Accountant API's

Accountant - Trial Balance

Retrieve Trial Balance Data

To retrieve Trial Balance data perform a GET against the following url:

The following query string parameters can be provided to filter the resulting list of trial balance data:

startdate in the format YYYY-MM-DD (example: 2022-05-12). Will return trial balance data greater than or equal to start date
enddate in the format YYYY-MM-DD (example: 2022-07-24). Will return trial balance data less than or equal to end date

A successful response will return a 200 HTTP status code and the following example json result.

		"accountType": "Current Asset",
		"displayName": "Bank - ABSA  MONEY MARKET",
		"debitBalance": 0.0,
		"creditBalance": 210278.43
		"accountType": "Non Current Asset",
		"displayName": "Computer Equipment",
		"debitBalance": 122032.94,
		"creditBalance": 0.0
		"accountType": "Non Current Asset",
		"displayName": "Furniture and Fittings",
		"debitBalance": 27880.11,
		"creditBalance": 0.0
		"accountType": "Current Liability",
		"displayName": "VAT",
		"debitBalance": 176994.03,
		"creditBalance": 0.0
		"accountType": "Equity",
		"displayName": "Members Loan - Brenda",
		"debitBalance": 0.0,
		"creditBalance": 1130.6
		"accountType": "",
		"displayName": "Retained earnings",
		"debitBalance": 0.0,
		"creditBalance": 100048463.68


start and end parameters are not required but it is advisable to use them to reduce the set of data being queried and returned.

For large companies with large amounts of trial balance data response times will be affected negatively by requesting ALL trial balance data.

Income Statement