SMEasy API Documentation

Learn how to integrate your customers SMEasy accounting data directly into your application.


Getting started

This documentation will teach you how to integrate your customers SMEasy accounting data directly in your application.

The first thing you will need to do is list your application with SMEasy. Currently this a manual process and requires contacting the SMEasy support desk.

Listing your application with SMEasy

Please contact SMEasy support on 087 238 2003, email us on [email protected] or visit our support page as explaining that you would like to list your application with SMEasy in order to be able to connect to the SMEasy API.

What we require from you

You will be required to provide the following details about your application:

Application Name

This will normally be the name of your company or application that your customers know you by.

Redirect URI

This will be an endpoint in your application that will receive the authorization code and will be used to retrieve the bearer token and refresh token. These will be necessary to make authenticated calls to the SMEasy API.

Company Logo

This will be displayed on the authorization screen your customers see when they allow your application to connect to their SMEasy accounting data.

What you will get back from us

Once we have the above details of your application SMEasy will contact you with the following details:


This is a short unique text value identifiying your listed application with SMEasy. It will be used in the authorization process.


This is a secret text value, almost like a password. Treat it like a password and do not under any circumstances allow any unauthorized personel to know the value of this text.

With the above information you will now be ready to start integrating with the SMEasy API.